Evernight Headlines

The Frames that Bind You
by 09/21/16
onThe F12Games development team has begun the huge task of removing the evil HTML Frames from Evernight... a legacy web standard from an age past. So what's all the fuss about them? read on...

To The Community Members of Evernight
by 06/01/12
onOn June 1st, 2012 Evernight was fully acquired by F12Games, LLC.
The time has come to take action and move forward with many of the great ideas that have been discussed over the years... Read More...
The Battle of Thrin
by 01/20/12
onWar had come to the doorstep of Thrin. Birthplace of the last hope, and champion of the gods. It was she who unleashed the destructive force of the forms, and it was she who decided that their power was hers alone to defeat.
A Midian Christmas Story
by 12/20/09
onTwas the week before Christmas, when all the through the realm... Not a game was building, the server was down.The passwords where typed by each player with care, In the hopes that the game lobby soon would be there.
This Place Used to Rock Part 2
by 10/10/09
onIn the dark of the night, a traveler wrapped in pitch black attire, reigns in his horse, at a place it seems is wrapped in much memory, for he has a distant look about him. ((Nergal the Mad)) He blinks, then dismounts the weary steed...
This Place Used to Rock Part 1
by 10/01/09
on“Huh??? I see Balrog!” exclaimed Slop. Slurping his crusty cracked lips, he surveys the once lavish common room of Nergal’s Tavern. Raising a scarred brow to his companion, he cast an inquisitive glace at the giant warrior standing at the bar.